
Create P-Link (Payment request link)

P-Links are payment request links you can use to request a payment to your wallet.
You can customize the payment amount, title and provide an optionnal parameter that will be transmitted with payment notifications.
You can receive payment notification by email and on an notification URL (webhook).

Create P-Link

Share P-Link

This is a preview P-Link, please use the "Create P-Link" button above to get the final link with notifications and accepted tokens customization enabled !

P-Link __IDHOOK__ Created !

You can now request your payments using this P-Link, or the QRcode, or payment form.
Request the payment of __AMOUNT__ __CURRENCY__ to the wallet __SHORTWALLET__, accepting __ACCEPTEDTOKENS__ __OPTIONS__

Payment notification webhook format

If you specified a webhook, a HTTP request will be made on payment on the URL you provided.
The data will be sent as a JSON encoded BODY of an HTTP request with the parameters :
  • myParam : the parameter you provided in the payment link or form
  • sourcePayment : the wallet address of the payer
  • tokenUsedForPayment : the mint address of token used for payment
  • paidAmountInToken : the amount paid in token (bigint)
  • paidAmountInTokenUi : the amount paid in token user readable
  • EUR_Amount : the amount in euros
  • USD_Amount : the amount in USD
  • trx : the transaction ID
  • secret : your secret key
Here is your webhook secret passphrase (keep it safe, do not share) :

Your secret key will be usefull in order to handle payment notifications.

« Solana for the web »

P-Links can be used anywhere!

Thanks to the simple link schema, P-Links can be used to request payments in many different ways :

P-Links can be shared on X, as DM, or Post, or on any platform and they unfurl as Blinks
P-links can be shared by email, SMS, or on the phone
P-links can be printed as QRcodes that your clients can scan to pay you
P-Links can be embeded into a website to make a payment button
P-Links can be embeded into Android or iOs app, to make a payment button

Solana P-Links

Request payments with a single link

Net-assembly payment Gateway

Net-assembly defined a new link schema for payment request (P-Links) in Solana.
This schema offers the possibility to request a payment with a single link.
The standard of P-Links add new features to Solana payments, including payment notifications by email or webhook.
With this gateway, you can easily integrate Solana based payment forms in your website, application, or point of sale.
Payments can be requested with a P-Link, or a HTML form, or a QRcode.
This gateway will then use email notification, or callback notification (HTTP webhook) in order to inform you about the payments.
This allows a different method for implementing Solana based payments, with html form or link, and HTTP webhook, that is very easy to integrate into any technology, or works with every wallets.


Example of a P-Link :

Nb : if you don't need payment notifications, just replace the wallet public address and the amount in the above URL to get your payment link !

See more examples

NETA Token

Net-assembly NETA Token

With the Solana cryptocurrency technology, it becomes possible to use cryptocurrencies as a payment method for a daily use. The network processes the transactions very quickly and the fees are very low. It is now possible to use cryptocurrencies in order to pay a very small amount, in an efficient way, with very little waiting time, and without the heavy calculation that Bitcoin relies on. A whole new set of applications becomes possible !

Net-assembly token is a cryptographic token on Solana blockchain meant to provide a variety of payment features to the community.
With this token, you can easily integrate Solana based payment forms in your website, application, or point of sale.
Different projects already benefit from this token, such as businesses with point of sale software, or community delivery platform, online games, ...

- Phase 1 [COMPLETED] :
Creation of the token : 3jW4qfs9ZEqeVdTEN5xhoK81jDyU1tCFJ1uWM1uewgQp
Mint&Freeze authority revocation (The total number of token is 1 000 000 000.)
There will be NO airdrop !
- Phase 2 [COMPLETED] :
Integration into POS software project
- Phase 3 [COMPLETED] :
Release of the payment gateway

The Net-assembly Token (NETA) Whiter paper can be found at this address :
Net-assembly (NETA) White paper


Cool Facts


Airdrop !






Market cap


The Net-assembly token serves as the utility token of our platform, enabling users to request payments.
NO AIRDROP ! This means nobody ever got the token for free, and just want to sell it.
Part of the liquidity can be used in order to make marketing deals, and reward partnerships, with a reasonnable rythm (never more than 10% of daily volume).

tokenomics chart
Solana converter tool
Anniversary Team unlock funds (next unlock on the 07/29/2025)
Direct sales pool

Token Integrations

The net-assembly token is already integrated into different platforms, and provides a more efficient way to transfer money for goods and services.

X.com with Blinks

Payment buttons integrated into X
Your P-Links automatically turns into Blinks on X (Twitter).
With Solana blockchain links (blinks), the payment buttons are directly integrated in X, no need to open the link.


Free cash register for point of sale software
Free cash register is a freemium software that can manage sales, clients and provide financial reports.
The software is available on iOs, Android, Windows, in a browser, or on SunMi devices.


Deliv.shop is a community delivery platform
Free to use platform, which puts into relations businesses (restaurants, ...) that needs deliveries, and delivery men. Deliverymen can subscribe for free and apply for shops that needs deliveries. Delivery men are getting paid directly by the shop owner.

If you implemented our payment gateway and would like to be featured in the partners list, please contact us.

Buy Net-assembly Token

Buy our NFTs

These 5 limited time NFTs are available for the launch of the project.
One NFT available for free for the launch !
Note that you can use this gateway to sell your NFT too !

Get a free NFT for the launch !

Contact us